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Types of orthodontic devices


Patients now have further options when it comes to wearing/placing braces. While regular metal braces still widely used, clear braces are becoming more popular as well as removable braces, which can be used for light odontoloxy cases.

Metal braces:

They are the regular commonly used braces. Children likes them, as they are a new experience, because they can be colorful and fun. There is a wide range of colors that can be attached with metal braces depending on the patient’s choice.


Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are made with clear materials. They are mostly indicated for adult patients, because of their aesthetic attractiveness. The only obstacle for ceramic brackets that they are more breakable, and elastic ligatures color can be changed within the orthodontic visits.

Self-ligating braces:

It’s a new orthodontic equipment, where there are clips or ports to adjust the wire in the brackets without the need of elastic ligatures. This type of braces with such a design allows the treatment to be faster with less friction on it.


Clear aligners:

They are thin, transparent plastic devices that replace wire and metal brackets.

Clear aligners are a serial of plastic trays, which are made specifically for each person according to the shape of his/her teeth, when these trays are worn, a certain range of pressure will be applied on your teeth in order to move them in the desired direction.

You will feel a small pain in your teeth at first time use, which will resolve spontaneously after a few days.

You should wear the clear aligners all day and night in order to perform their job properly, except during eating and brushing teeth.

No, because clear aligners are removable and you can take them off during the meal to eat what you want, then brush your teeth and put them on again.

Retention Phase

When is the best time to start the orthodontic treatment?

There is a golden period to start the treatment, even though orthodontists can give a more beautiful smile at any age. Starting the treatment at the perfect time can guarantee the best result and less time and charge. The American Association of orthodontist recommend that a primary orthodontic assessment should be performed at the first sign of orthodontic problems or pre-7 years. At this early age, the orthodontic problem may not be significant. However, the early examination can expect the most suitable timing to start the treatment.

What are the ceramic cosmetic veneers?

Ceramic cosmetic veneers and dental crowns can amazingly improve smiles where the odontoloxy, crowded, cracked and vacuolar teeth appear.

Cosmetic veneers are thin, yet they are tooth-colored hard ceramic shells, fixed on the interior wall of the tooth, have normal-teeth like appearance, with strength, beauty and durability, which can be caused by ceramic compensation only.

Ceramic cosmetic veneers and dental crowns are not a good option for people with:

1 – Non-healthy teeth, such as excessive necrosis, for example.
2 – Abnormal gums, such as active periodontitis, for example.
3 – Severe malocclusion that are better treated with orthodontic.
4 – Under 18 years

Cosmetic veneers have many benefits over other methods used for the same purpose.  There is no dark line that is sometimes seen in the older frontal crown. They transpire better light, and therefore have a more translucent look, giving a very natural aesthetic appearance. People will never know that you have compensations.

One of the most important developments in dentistry is the development of new adhesion methods and new materials that enable the dentist to paste different materials together successfully. The adhesion between the ceramic face and the surface of the tooth is often so large that a rupture may cause fracture within the tooth and not at the interface between the cosmetic face and the tooth surface. In its association with the dental structure, the ceramic cosmetic veneers show physical properties similar to the natural enamel. In addition, with the advancement of ceramic technology, it is possible to simulate the natural clear layers of the normal teeth completely.

Cosmetic veneers can indeed be your solution to change your smile in an attractive way!!

Cosmetic veneers follow under the cosmetic dentistry specialist; because It lead to a bright white smile with beautifully aligned and coordinated teeth. Better still, the quality of the transparent porcelain of the present cosmetic veneers offers a more natural appearance than in the past.

When do we apply ceramic veneers?


Irrespective of what causes unattractive teeth, dental dentistry may solve most – or even all – cosmetic tooth problems, including:

1. Enamel worn out: With time, the harsh white material covering your teeth (enamel) may become worn and discolored. Such worn and discoloration can be either normal, or due to a genetic status; however, this is mostly due to your habits (soft drinks, tea or coffee consumption, smoking, medication, etc.)
2. Usage wearing out: Teeth naturally wear out with age. Old teeth are more likely to have broken or cracked, or have a general uneven appearance.
3. Genetics: There are specific people who may be born with abnormal spacing between the teeth, which increases with age.
4. Irregular teeth: uneven teeth result from dental caries or usage wearing out.
5. Odontoloxy or disalignment.
6. Crowded teeth.
7. Dental diastema (spaces between the teeth)
8. Permanently mottled or color-changed teeth.


What are the different types of ceramic veneers?

1. Cosmetic veneers of non-prepared teeth (direct):
When teeth are not prepared. The veneers are placed directly on the top of your teeth. The veneers are very thin. When there is no pre-preparation of the teeth, some parts of the smile design process become more complex, because the cosmetic dentist is restricted to working with the teeth as they are.
Color control – which is actually the area where dentists have the greatest discomfort when trying to make cosmetic dental treatments – becomes more difficult when the ceramic veneers are thinner (no matter whether they are cosmetic veneers of non-prepared teeth or traditional prepared teeth). Color, purity, translucency, color degree, brightness and clarity are all necessary to be properly handled for you to have a beautiful smile. However, there are a number of serial warnings. If the teeth are not prepared before putting any of the ceramic cosmetic veneers, the cosmetic dentist has much less room to design a beautiful smile.
The amount of grinding that is done when preparing a tooth for traditional cosmetic veneers is minimal, as you know exactly. It is within the range of tenths of a millimeter (about the thickness of the fingernail). However, further preparation may be required in order to get the right shape, size and color of your smile. Examples include:
1) Compressed Ceramics (Aesthetic, Empress, EMAX) – This is the most cosmetic of all cosmetic veneers.
2) Zircon-based cosmetic veneers, such as Zircon, Lava, etc., which are less cosmetic than the previous one.

2. Cosmetic veneers of prepared teeth:
These cosmetic veneers are used when a very thin layer of your teeth is curetted to give depth to the cosmetic veneers. As mentioned above, the amount of grinding is minimal if you do not have pigmented teeth or severe odontoloxy. The colors and realism that are achieved are beyond what can be achieved with non-prepared teeth veneers. Examples include:
1) Compressed Ceramics (Aesthetic, Empress, EMAX) – This is the most cosmetic of all cosmetic veneers.
2) Zircon-based cosmetic veneers, such as Zircon, Lava, etc., which are less cosmetic than the previous one.

It is also important to know who makes you cosmetic veneers. There are different competencies for professionals who make cosmetic veneers, ranging from creative artist to ordinary technician. A higher-level aesthetics can be achieved better through creative art, and therefore the cost of cosmetic veneers increases. In fact, anyone who wants to change the look of his/her teeth can benefit from cosmetic veneers and ceramic crowns.

What is the cost of ceramic cosmetic veneers?


The difference in prices is due to:
1. The type of material used, for example: Zirconium based, Empress, EMAX, Lumineers, Glam smile etc.
2. Who makes you cosmetic veneers?

3. What cosmetic level do you want? Do you want them to look like the real teeth, or you want to make your teeth straight and white only.

How ceramic veneers are made?

Once you determine exactly what you want to achieve, your first appointment usually involves adjusting the edges of your front teeth to the minimum. The amount of grinding that occurs when preparing a tooth for any cosmetic veneer is minimal. It is within the range of tenths of a millimeter (about the thickness of the fingernail).
The prints are taken, and the cosmetic veneers are made by a dental technician. During this period, temporary cosmetic veneers are put in place. A follow-up visit is conducted in a few weeks where the cosmetic veneers are tried, if they are accepted they are adhered on the exact place. Results are fast and amazing!

Maintenance of new ceramic veneers:

Maintenance of dental cosmetic veneers is relatively easy, and we would like to provide some suggestions to help you:

1. Please, floss and brush your teeth as you normally do to prevent oral health problems. Ceramic veneers are typically the gentlest repairs on the gingival tissue that we currently have access to. Do not be afraid to hurt the cosmetic veneers with the floss or toothbrush. Any good toothpaste is acceptable. A good home care system will ensure the cosmetic success of your dental repairs for years to come.
2.suffering from a little sensitivity to heat and cold may occur after placing the cosmetic veneers, this relates to the enamel left in your tooth after the preparation, and the nerve proximity, in addition to several other factors.
Some sensitivities are absolutely normal and usually go away after a week or two. If this sensitivity persists or concerns you, please feel free to contact us, and we can advise you on the best possible treatment.
3. Normal diets should not cause any problems at all. Please avoid anything that would bend or curve the cosmetic veneers.
4. If you are accustomed to stridor your teeth or your jaw, please let us know, we could make you a soft night protective to wear in order to reduce the pressure applied on your teeth during occlusion while sleeping. After one or two weeks from placing the veneers, you will be asked to return to our center to evaluate the treatment. These visits are very important, as they allow us to evaluate the location of the veneers, the tissue response, and to answer any questions you may have regarding your new smile.

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