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About orthodontics

Orthodontics is a dental Subspecialty, which care about the study and treatment of malocclusion (inappropriate bites) as a result to a malformation of the teeth, incompatibility between the jaws, or both. Therefore, it cares about the whole face. The source of this term is the two Greek words: ortho meaning correction and odons meaning the tooth.

Orthodontic treatment can focus only on the displacement of teeth, or Control and adjust facial growth. In the latter case, it is best defined as < Orthofacial – dontics >.

Orthodontic treatment can be performed for purely cosmetic reasons (improving the overall appearance of the patient’s teeth and face for cosmetic purposes), but the treatment is often indicated for practical reasons, providing the patient with a functionally enhanced occlusion.

Teeth Related Questions

According to The American Association of orthodontist studies, malocclusion can cause a set of problems. Infested teeth are the hardest to clean with a toothbrush and dental floss; this may contribute to tooth decay and / or periodontal diseases. Prominent teeth are more prone to accidental fracture. Crossbite can lead to unpleasant growing and irregular teeth wear. Open bites can lead to habits of tongue thrust and speech impediment. Lastly, orthodontic treatment does more than making a beautiful smile; it makes it healthier.

No, it’s not necessary. Many of our patients are referred by their family dentist; however, many others make their own appointment.

The American Association of orthodontist recommend to have and orthodontic examination at the age of 7. At this age, multiple permanent teeth would have grown in most children, which allow us to evaluate your orthodontic condition effectively.

No, because the available space for the front teeth doesn’t grow with you. In most people, and after the eruption of the permanent molars, the available space for the front teeth decreases with age.

Simply, call our center or send us an e-mail and we will be glad to arrange an appointment with you. When you call to set an appointment, our head center employer will ask you for some basic information about you.

The patient and his /her parents are examined by the doctor and staff, and a preparation is done for the primary examination. The necessary radiographic and photographic images will be taken in order to determine the appropriate diagnosis. Then, the doctor will complete a brief and comprehensive examination.

There are 5 basic questions that we will cover and answer within the primary examination:

  • Is there an orthodontic problem? And, if so, what is it?
  • What should be done to correct the problem?
  • If any teeth need to be extracted?
  • How long will the treatment need?
  • How much will the treatment cost Financially?

Extracting teeth could be required in some cases to achieve the best orthodontic result. Proper teeth and balanced facial features are the goal of orthodontics. Anyway, since modern technology has introduced advanced orthodontic procedures, tooth extraction is not always necessary for orthodontic and orthognathic treatment.

Obviously, the treatment period depends on the orthodontic problems for each patient. In general, the treatment periods takes around 12 to 30 months. The intermediate period to put orthodontic devices is about 12 months.

It’s not possible to give a precise cost of treatment until we examine you. We will also review your insurance policy and help you maximize your interest and archive your financial claims.

Appointments are determined according to each patient’s needs. Most patients with orthodontic devices are examined / followed up each 4-6 weeks. And in certain cases that need more frequent follow-ups, we will schedule appointments accordingly.

Generally, braces are not . After certain visits the teeth may become painful for a few days. In these cases, medications like Advil or Tylenol- can reduce the annoyance. However, after most visits the patient doesn’t feel any pain at all! We often remind our patients that this supposedly should not affect work!

Yes, there is no excuse to skip a school day because of the orthodontic appointment.

No, injections are not necessary in orthodontic treatment.

Not at all! We believe that every patient need to be provided with his/her own braces to reach the best orthodontic result.

Yes, but a mouth guard is recommended for all kinds of sport.  

Of course!  General tests by the family dentist are important while you are putting your braces, which will determine the intervals between cleaning appointment.

Yes. As soon as the treatment start, we will explain a full instructions and a complete list of food that should be avoided. This includes Ice cream, hard candy, raw vegetables, and all kinds of sticky foods (caramel and taffy). You can avoid most emergency appointments in order to repair broken or damaged equipment by following our instructions carefully.

Patients should brush their teeth at least 4 times a day –after each meal and before sleep- showing each patient how to floss their teeth, and maybe give a prescription for a certain fluoride if necessary.

If the braces were causing a severe pain, or something were broken then you should contact us. In most cases, we can solve these problems on the phone. If you needed an emergency appointment, then we will schedule an appropriate time for you.

Yes, some orthodontic problems are important enough to require and early intervention. However, if the patient is not ready for the treatment we can observe his/her growth and development until the right time to begin treatment.

The first phase is usually started –if necessary- in children aged between 7 and 10 years. The first phase treatment takes around 12-21 months. The first phase main goal is to solve important problems to prevent them from becoming more severe and to improve self-esteem and self-image.

It’s better to assume that your child will need complete braces even after the first phase treatment. The phase after the first phase treatment is called <rest phase>, where teeth eruption and growth is closely observed.  During this phase, the parents and the patients will stay informed with future treatment recommendations.

We will determine if the child needs a distance keeper after the primary examination.

A great proportion of our patients are adults. In fact, 50% of all orthodontic patients are adults. Health, happiness and self-estimate are fundamentally important for adults. There is no <too late patient> for braces!

Yes, a crowned tooth moves exactly as simple filled tooth. When teeth are missing, orthodontic treatment helps to alinement the remaining teeth.

Teeth –and sometimes full facial structures- change permanently with orthodontic treatment. It is important to complete the treatment properly and correctly. The Orthodontists have a comprehensive and specialized training that enable them to provide personal and professional treatments to their patients.

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